You might not think too hard about your plumbing system’s maintenance needs, and understandably so. Since it tends to play in the background, we don’t pay too much mind to the pipes running through our homes very often. However, just like any other system or appliance in your home, it needs careful attention.
Problems build up in your plumbing system, and once something catastrophic happens, the dam bursts (no pun intended). That’s why it’s important to take steps at home to extend the life of your system and ensure it stays as efficient as possible. We’ve got a few ways you can do that – just keep reading!
Identify Location of Your Water Main
Given that we’re in Milwaukee, we’re used to dealing with frigid temperatures that can freeze our pipes. When that happens, it’s imperative that you locate where the water main that feeds into your home is located. Should a pipe-freezing situation be at hand, you’ll need to shut off the water as quickly as possible.
If you wait too long, you’ll run the risk of frozen pipes, which carry their own risk of leading to bursting pipes – a much more stressful situation. This doesn’t take long to do, and you’ll be glad you did if the situation calls for it.
Clear Gutters and Downspouts
Did you know your plumbing system isn’t just limited to the pipes in your home? Gutters count, as do the downspouts on the exterior of your home. If these aren’t cleared out, then they will get clogged and leave unpleasant, hazardous standing water around your home.
Just take a few minutes one afternoon to clear it all out and avoid running this risk.
Avoid Pouring Chemicals Down Toilets
One of the most frustrating things any homeowner will experience is a clogged toilet. It’s irritating, and you know that you can’t just ignore it, so you might be tempted to pour something like a drain cleaner in there to soften it up.
Don’t do that! Those types of solutions use oxidizing (or caustic) chemicals such as lye to break down clogs, and those chemicals aren’t suitable for toilets. They can crack the porcelain and end up harming your home more than helping. Just use a traditional snake or augur cleaner instead.
Insulate Pipes
We probably didn’t need to mention this given that we live in the northern United States, but just in case – make sure your pipes are insulated! As we mentioned and as you undoubtedly know, frozen pipes are an epidemic up here.
Take some insulation and wrap it around any exposed pipes in your home to provide some extra protection during the winter. Your pipes will be less likely to freeze and burst, meaning you can sleep soundly when the temperatures plummet.
Roman Electric: Here for All Your Plumbing Needs
When the going gets tough, we get going. Roman Electric is experienced and equipped to help you with whatever plumbing problems you encounter, and you can count on us to get the job done right the first time.
Give us a call at 414-369-3798 for professional electrical, HVAC or plumbing solutions.